Seven years after the height of the financial crisis, Europe’s large banks still behave as if they are in the thick of the storm. Plans for radical...
Lost In Shangywood
American film studios are desperate to win approval for releases in China because its film market is rocketing. From 2003 to 2010 box-office receipts...
Facebook Pulls Back The VR Video Push
For the uninitiated, 360 video is filmed in all directions at once and lets the viewer experience the action in front, side to side or from behind....
Edn A Smart System Which Grows Herbs And Vegetables
Edn is a wall-hanging appliance that automatically grows a number of different vegetables automatically, paired with an iPhone app and a little...
Biometric Payment Cards
The investment comes from Photon Future, a wholly owned subsidiary of Shenzhen-based high-tech holding group Kuang-Chi Group. The group is now...
Collateral Damage Haircut
A repurchase, or repo, agreement involves a borrower selling a bunch of securities for cash and agreeing to buy them back later for a higher price....
Wheel Spin Off
Squeezing every ounce of performance out of Ferrari is important. Selling 10% of the firm in an IPO in New York, which is expected early next week,...
Native Debate Vs. Web Comes To Virtual Reality
The world of virtual reality is no different, having already been home to heated discussion on topics including Oculus versus Vive, gaming versus...
The Forté, A Fancy Apple Watch
At $59 this dedicated magnetic watch stand that connects to Apple’s OEM cable is a bit pricey. However, if you’re looking for something showcase your...
Microsoft New Surface Book Laptop-Hybrid
The Surface Book was a surprise release from Microsoft last week. If the Surface Pro line of devices is notable for its tablet-focus, and laptop...