This morning Target announced that it’s rolling out the Apple Watch to some of its stores this week, with all U.S. stores getting it October 25. This...

7 harmful eating habits that cripple your productivity
Skipping lunch to get ahead of your work is not giving you the productive advantage you expect, after all. Putting in longer hours doesn’t equal more...

How To Keep IoT Hunters And Poachers Out Of Your Food And Farms
A drone equipped to “sniff” Zigbee flew over an Austin neighborhood in early August and found almost 1,600 devices. It’s a sign of how ubiquitous...

Five Useful Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping
Grocery shopping….it can be the bane of our existence at times. We want to make healthy food choices and buy what is best for us and our family, but...

Assessing the assessments
NEW YORK may have a reputation as a brusque, unfriendly place, but to those who buy expensive properties, at least, it can be very welcoming. Take...

The Apple Watch Saved A Teen's Life
This post appears courtesy of the Ferenstein Wire, a syndicated news service. Publishing partners may edit posts. For inquiries, please email author...

Why Amazon Kicked Out Apple TV And Chromecast
Both Apple and Google have television on their minds: The tech titans have updated their streaming devices, the Apple TV and Chromecast. But soon,...

The eJaculator Is A VR-Based Pleasure Machine For The Lads
If your girlfriend is in a coma or, at the very least, indisposed, I think we have something you might like. It’s called the eJaculator VR and it...

Taking a pounding
WHEN did Britain cease to be the world’s pre-eminent power? Some date its dotage to the end of the first world war; others to the second. By the time...

The vultures circle
THERE is no shortage of bad omens for the global economy at the moment. To name a few: plunging commodity prices, wobbly equity markets, weak world...