• 7 tips to prevent your child is distracted

7 tips to prevent your child is distracted

If you have children who are easily distracted and experience many problems concentrating, chances are that this is affecting their learning processes and, consequently, performance school.

It is important to understand that they are not guilty of this situation, so it would be unfair and inconvenient scold; all you would succeed is to feel guilty for their failures.

What is recommended in these cases it is to help you improve your ability to concentrate and their attention spans are better and longer, both in the classroom and outside it. To do this you must follow the following recommendations:

1. Adequate rest. Make sure your child gets enough sleep.

2. Focuses. Make sure it when you talk to him (especially if you are giving an instruction) will look to the eyes; this is essential to know if you are recording and understanding what you say

3. Goodbye distractions. Avoid if possible the presence of distraction around when performing their tasks toys, phone, tablet or television, among others.

4. Create routines. It is important that your child has a fixed daily for homework time.

5. Prioritize. When you do your homework, try to start with the most complicated exercises, avoid leaving them for the end, when it is already more tired.

6. Ask summaries of what happens on the day. This type of mental exercises will help you improve your memory and ability to concentrate.

7. Play. inculcate taste for games; preferably those in exercising his memory.

With these tips you will be assured that if your children are easily distracted, learn to focus your attention and enjoy everything around him.

Related Tags

children distraction prevent learning school situation rest focus routine phone toys play


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