• Da Vinci: The cheapest 3D printer (video)

Da Vinci: The cheapest 3D printer (video)

The first printers with inkjet technology were worth a fortune, but eventually were improving their methods of manufacture and their numbers into a relatively affordable option. Today we can say something similar of 3D printers, and anyone looking for an economic model to "get your feet wet" should look closer to the printer XYZprinting Da Vinci Jr., whose price does not exceed 350 euros.

We all dream of the day when a 3D printer is as common as a traditional printer, and that day is approaching. Thanks to the work of those pioneers who decided on their own to build the first printers, and the interests of certain companies interested in bringing this technology to the general market, the cost of 3D printers continue to fall. In fact, it is perfectly valid to say that it is cheaper to enter the world of 3D printing to virtual reality, at least as regards the hardware involved. How economical can be a 3D printer? Personally I am convinced that they have not yet found their floor, but if you want to satisfy your curiosity, a good starting point is the Da Vinci Jr. XYZprinting printer.

This 3D printer was designed so that your experience is as close as possible to the concept of "Plug and Play" but if you've never had contact with something like the Da Vinci Jr., we recommend visiting the official channel XYZprinting on YouTube and see some of his videos, which include details like changing the coil, calibrate the X axis, and clean the extruder die, among other things. The printer has a small LCD screen on the front that presents all relevant to the state of the print data, and also incorporates a slot compatible with SD cards, so it does not need to be connected to a computer to function. Print volume is 15 by 15 by 15 centimeters, while the resolution of the layers is between 100 and 400 microns.

The XYZprinting Da Vinci Jr. is a very interesting alternative aimed at beginners, however, there are one or two points to consider. First, the filament coils are proprietary, a strategy that many companies have decided to take to ensure the consistency of prints, and obviously get an extra profit. And secondly, all those who have done work with this printer recommend some kind of adhesive on its base, which immobilizes the printed object. Price wise, how sound 348 euros and coins? The printer includes filament, and all the necessary software, assuming you want to connect it to your computer.

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