• Discover the importance of parent - child game

Discover the importance of parent - child game

Through play, children show how are shaping their world, how they build their way of seeing reality, social relationships and fantasies. Therefore it is essential that we rescue play spaces, creativity and spontaneity with them, giving them the emotional and physical availability (being there watching what they need).

Attachment is a child device having the child, who will tend to seek answers (because they still do not understand managing their emotions and how the world works), to seek comfort, protection and regulation in times of stress.
Adults should react adequately to stress when it calms the child's distress. That makes the child feel safe, you can rely on the availability of us, and that security has proven to be the "engine" of the present and future development (in all areas of development), even up to the age adult.

We must keep in mind the child's mind. That is, parents should be careful with parenting tips, without empathize and understand your child, from his own individuality (putting in place of his son) and development time.
How can we achieve it? Paying attention, psyched, that is just learning to think about what the child feels, thinks, wants, needs; be able to distinguish our own emotional states and regulating them to help regulate emotional states of our children.

The importance of play is fundamental to the educational, physical, social and emotional area. At this time of family-friendly and give, give choose objects and instances that allow us to play with our children. While we need 10 minutes a day to achieve generate a secure link, we can take afternoon of relaxation and mutual fun to play with our children.
Playing is playing, no rules and nothing in the game to give orders while interacting; the principle is a bit, but then flows. Instead of buying toys we can buy materials to create: tempera, paper, crayons and play dough.
Instead of buying a toy, we can go to a bookstore or supermarket, and buy materials to start playing.

If we can not begin to let go in this game world with our young children, we can start small, preparing ons for your favorite games. For example, runways for their aircraft. So let boosting bond, imagination, addiction, availability, and so on.

Related Tags

children parents game relationship needs stress safe tips play


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