• Do you want a flat stomach? These tips will help you get it!

Do you want a flat stomach? These tips will help you get it!

A right balance between your abdominal exercises and proper nutrition can lead you to achieve results faster.

An exercise routine will not succeed if it is not complemented by an appropriate diet, experts say. All body muscles will resent or benefits depending on your diet, which becomes one of the most sensitive parts to get the correct equation and notice short term results.

If you already have the discipline to exercise regularly, start paying attention to small details that are beyond the exercise, such as food, rest and bad habits that, however small, affect your results significantly and become an obstacle to achieving the goals you want.

You are what you eat

A recurring misconception among people who practice sport regularly but does not achieve the desired results, is that not care for their food. On the contrary, 'reward' of more after making a flawless routine throughout the week, consuming foods that are not on your diet.

Canadian Brad Pilon, author of the bestseller "Eat, Stay, Come" and weight loss expert, explains in his book the importance of food as an exercise routine is followed; he holds the 80/20 rule in which ensures that a diet is responsible for 80% of the amount of accumulated fat in the body while exercise affects only 20%. So no matter how many crunches you do, if you do not eliminate the bad habits of your diet you will not find results. While exercise will help work a body part, must complement this effort with fat reduction from ingest, says Pilon.

Good habits

One way to start the day is healthy breakfast. If you exercise in the morning you can drink a yogurt, which consumed 30 minutes before your workout, will give you the necessary energy.

Hydration is also a very important factor to be taken into account, remember to drink at least two liters of plain water a day, especially while you exercise, the hydrated keep avoid any kind of cramp and give fullness, avoiding you the temptations of those bad habits that you could not leave.

In your daily diet be sure to include fruits and vegetables, especially orange including fiber, antioxidants and beta carotene that help offset the effort of your muscles. Carrot, orange, melon and peaches are in this group and are ideal as a snack to kill the anxiety between meals or as a garnish on your main course, instead of the mash that does not help much. And last, but very important, salt and excess sodium ignite your belly. So avoid soy and looking at super low sodium salt.

The perfect equation
Do not despair about getting the flat abs, it is a matter of time and discipline.

Myatt Murphy, author of "The body you want in the time you have," suggests the following order on a daily basis:

- Follow a healthy diet daily
- 20 minutes of cardio 3 to 5 times per week
- Muscle work 15 minutes 3 times per week
- 5 minutes 5 times a week abs
- Rest well

So now you know, before giving up your exercise routine analyzes what you eat and retakes the right track.

Related Tags

weight loss flat stomach exercise diet body muscles food rest goals habits fruits vegetables


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