• I would have many children - Orlandi Magali

I would have many children - Orlandi Magali

Orlandi Magali is 18 years and although she likes to cook, go for walks and dancing with friends, he said one of his favorite task is to weave. She is the Queen of the Sun by Jáchal. In an interview with Diario de Cuyo young you are doing the course for pursuing a career in social work, he said he loves his department and dreams that never loses its essence.

'As good jachallera I like folklore, "he said and said he wants to move to live in the city next year, but with his brothers, because it is very familiar. It is the fifth of six children and said being with them is what makes her happier, so dreams of having a large family.

How do you define yourself as a woman?
-I am simple. I like people who go to the truth. As a woman I am sympathetic and I like spending time with my friends and family. I always make time to be with them. I also love knitting. I also cook and listen to music. I also like swimming and going for walks.

Who taught you to knit?
My mom always wove us. When we were kids we made sweaters and other garments. My brothers also know how to weave, though many find it strange. My older sister taught me. I can not do many things, but in my free time I like to knit scarves.

You're still living in Jáchal?
-I do not encourage me to live alone in the city. The idea is to go with my older brothers. It is very hard to leave the whole family.

Are you dress?
-Yes, long ago.

Does your boyfriend is jealous?
-Do not. He is happier than me with this it becomes Queen. It is very companion and is happy to do things I like. It was one of those who pushed me to introduce myself.

Dream of having your own family?
-I would like to be numerous. I have a big family and I would have many children, that generate much noise. It's nice to get together and we are many. We are always very close.

How do you see your department?
-Jáchal Is a beautiful place, which will gradually modernized. It is among the tradition that characterizes it and a city. I would like to never lose the main feature, which is quiet, a taste for things well sanjuaninas.

How live the stage of being Queen?
-It is very cute. I love it, because I went from being a neighbor either to be important. Everyone greets me, give me your blessings and congratulated me, that's very nice. I am also grateful to the municipality because they are always at my disposal when I need to go downtown. Now I dream to bring the people jachallero crown Reina del Sol.

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interview career work dreams children family woman stage queen


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