• Networks and lower rates are soar to rogue banking customers

Networks and lower rates are soar to rogue banking customers

As stated in the 2014 Annual Report on Customer complaints and inquiries of investors supervisor, over last year 71.9% of complaints resolved with final report were favorable motivated customer, about 2,700 in total.

Bankia, Unicaja and Santander were the states with the most complaints to the client submitted to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) in 2014. Of these, only the entity headed by Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri has a lower percentage than the overall average Located at 71.9%.

This means that entities claimed did not act according to the rules of transparency and investor protection or good financial practices and customs.

The report shows that the organization Bankia was more motivated complaints with the final report, a total of 1,541, of which 965 were favorable to the client. Followed Unicaja Bank, with 480 claims (360 favorable to the client), and Santander with 390 complaints, 324 of them favorable to the client.

Percentages below the average

However, the supervisor indicates that ten states have percentages of reports favorable to the complainant above the overall average. It is 86 --with Barclays claims favorable to customers 80 (93%) - Catalunya Banc --181 claims, favorable customer 168 (92.8%) - Deutsche Bank claims -40, 37 customer's favor (92.5%) and Caja --75 claims to the client 68 (90.7%) -.

Between 80% and 90% of reports favorable to the complainant Liberbank (86.3%) and Santander (83.1%) would be found, and between 70% and 80% CaixaBank (79.1%), Sabadell ( 76.4%) Unicaja (75%) and Bankinter (72%). The ranking shows that four states have a lower than average percentage, including People (67%), Abanca (63%), Bankia (62.6%) and BBVA (56.3%) would be found.

Moreover, during 2014 2.424 favorable reports to the complainant on inadequate prior information of the product and about the lack of adaptation of the product to the customer investment profile were issued, representing 74.3% of all reports issued by this cause .

Most were related to preferred shares and subordinated debt, convertible products, swaps, and other products, and claims issued related to collective investment.

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customers bank market commission complaints financial reports


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