• Review of Call of Duty - Black Ops 3

Review of Call of Duty - Black Ops 3

The famous game of first-person shooter Call of Duty has reached its third edition with the Black Ops 3, and with this new edition of the ultimate war game developer Treyarch's some juicy news, but not too many are included.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops III is another installment in a series that has hardly changed while continuing his desperate race to make us believe in the illusion that each new release is unique. Unlike the disappointment with the Ghosts chapter or mediocre result achieved with Advanced Warfare, this title may be more promising for fans of the series of action and raise the bar a bit with Black Ops 3.

Now players can enjoy a game with an unforgettable story that seems to mix elements of other memorable games (like Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots), along with a multiplayer mode that feels again like a shooting simulator with lots of action.

    Developer: Treyarch, Activision, SCEI, Microsoft Game Studios

    Web Game: https://www.callofduty.com/es/blackops3
    Genre: Shooter, first-person action
    Date: November 2015
    Classification title: M (Over 18, blood and violence)
    Platform: All platforms
    Price: 75 euros for PS4, 59.99 euros for PC

The good:

    The multiplayer specialty offers some initial novelty
    The addition of Zombies is an interesting cooperative experience
    Varied and well-designed multiplayer maps

The bad:

    Boring campaign, incomprehensible
    Co-op is better than the single player
    Multiplayer little variety after 10 hours


If the Call of Duty franchise is a well oiled machine, Black Ops III is the replacement part that keeps moving the series for another year. Introduces minor changes to a set formula and in some respects, the developer Treyarch leaves its mark. But in other areas, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 lacks inspiration.

Treyarch has put the bar very high with their contributions to the Call of Duty series. The first Black Ops introduced many innovations, involving campaigns still alive with historical characters and plots. Black Ops II multiplayer renewed customization, giving deeper the player with competitive experience refined options. And now comes Call of Duty: Black Ops III, a Shooter coming from several different directions, with very different results.

The latest iteration of multiplayer begins with a promissory note as the soldiers of Black Ops III are different. These are the soldiers of the future of humanity, wearing titanium alloy armor, wielding billionaire weapons. They are also the new layer of customization of Black Ops III. One still has the traditional load out system with 10 slots to spend on weapons, items and equipment but added specialties bring about more different hues.

Each character carries a weapon power or special ability that can be used several times in the course of a game. These forced to choose between the two, however, as only one can be equipped at a time. In the Outrider Thus, for example, you can get into fights with the compound bow Sparrow, throwing explosives with the arrows on the ranks of the enemy team. On the other hand, it can be equipped with the ability to Vision Press. With this option a more cautious player can see silhouettes enemy through walls. In team play gives an image of the nearby attackers and a better idea of ​​the overall situation. This is even more crucial in hardcore games when motion sensors are absent.

The Outrider is a microcosm of how the specialist system stands. This dichotomy between energy weapons and abilities and possibilities that reveal and lead to dynamic scenarios from one item to another. Certain powers work best in specific types of game.

That nice feeling of discovery in the game fades over time. Black Ops III gives you access to four specialties output and subsequent options are unlocked dropper. The moment you win an annihilating weapon fire at level 22, two skills do not offer enough variety to keep excited until the next release.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, several scenarios Black Ops III offer some of the best designs of maps of the franchise. Each scenario is a confluence of different lines of sight, churning shock points and different elevations. The new movement system also creates an action / reaction dynamic: you can see the holes made in the wall just shooting, jumping on earth shootings and climbing ledges in other games are out of reach. In short, Black Ops III is fluid. It just works well.

However, its lack of variety after about 10 hours of play erases much of the excitement present at the beginning. The normal progression based on experience is still here and the variety of unlockable weapons and equipment may be enough to keep many animated players. But do not for the most demanding players who have aired on other titles of the brand, something more was needed.

New weapons, the old city.

Any sense of continuity in multiplayer mode to maintain a relative balance of the franchise completely evaporates in the new map of Black Ops Zombies III, The Shadow of Evil. Imagine a fictional city in the 1940s populated by monsters and portals that open before us with zombies that attack us in the style of The Walking Dead. Some players believe they are in the series and others simply think that this new edition with zombies is strange. It is also fantastic.

Experimentation pushing things forward as you battle your way through hordes of undead. There is an impending sense of mystery as to decide which doors will be unlocked, proving the most effective weapons. The difficulty is high here: It rarely happens to round 4 in the first 10 attempts.

But zombies, now more than ever, is a learning experience. And seeing the tangible results of your experience in the alleys of this strange world is a reward in itself. By the time it reaches the level 20 and above, you feel like a veteran. There is a sense of mastery that is always created with zombies, and is stronger than ever here.

The undead horde has also appeared in another game mode. It's called Nightmares and opens once it expires in a campaign. In essence, Treyarch has recycled Black Ops missions III. You can design level, objectives, character animations, and all, but now with zombies and a voice somber an unnamed character. Believe it or not, this works. There is a slower pace than in the missions. Treyarch took the time to let things develop. And in reimagining the story to focus on a zombie infection, Treyarch has created something better than their previous campaigns.

Campaigns boring Call of Duty: Black Ops III.

The traditional way of campaigning is a chore. It is a boring crawl through routines shooter. After a torture scene at the beginning, which has become a staple in the world of Black Ops. You are in the midst of waves of enemies that are channeled through linear paths en route to your next objective. There are some deviations from this pattern: aerial combat, extended sequences of war and underwater escapes, to name a few. But sometimes you're on autopilot, settled into a steady routine of "aim, shoot, reload, repeat".

There are fleeting moments when the cybernetic modifications of Call of Duty: Black Ops III change the way you play. These skills allow you to control drones enemies, stun human opponents, or set fire to the internal systems of robots. The powers would be more striking, however, if there were a lack of variety of enemies. Apart from flying drones and occasional side heads, different variants of enemies, simply they require different amounts of bullets to kill them. And when you're looking for such a repetitive set of objectives, which react in the same way every time, skills lose their novelty.

While Black Ops III offers the option of playing the cooperative campaign, his problems only multiply as a result. Instead of creating deeper scenarios involving teamwork and communication among up to four players, Black Ops III decides to launch most hardened enemies. A warlord, an enemy that requires multiple chargers to destroy him and is annoying enough. Four of them together is downright frustrating. They seem more like brick walls as conscious soldiers.

The narrative of Black Ops III does not support the campaign of either significantly. Tells a story incomprehensible control of AI and moral problems of a hyper-future, raising intriguing questions but never bothering to answer. At the very end, after hours of shooting without soul and uncomplicated narrative, Black Ops III issued its final statement and was not quite agree with her.

In his zombie modes and the first 10 hours of multiplayer, the game excels. But in his campaign, simply crawls forward. Black Ops III offers nothing remarkable series, but enough to keep the call for the vast legion of fans. Franchising, however slowly, continues its inexorable march.

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