• Seven tips to seem smarter when talking

Seven tips to seem smarter when talking

The stance when talking conveys much more than we imagine.

CANCUN, Q. Roo.- are in a conversation and want to look 'interesting' but do not know how, keep calm and read on, here we give you some tips that can help you grab attention and gain credibility in a meeting.

Usually when a person begins to speak, the brain tends to detect if that person says what is socially relevant, and their intelligence, education and health, share the web portal Click needed.

According to Shaunacy Ferro, a partner of Mental Floss and Popular Science, 23% of respondents said that the quality of the voice influences their opinion on the person speaking. Other factors such as passion, knowledge and patience are also relevant when judging.


Stand up straight with relaxed spine that will make you seem safer, but naturally because you will be relaxed. It will also give mental and physical security to speak.

Use the right words

Do not use big words, aphorisms or language that makes you look "smart" usually it gives a false impression to people.

Speak louder

Projecting the voice is not easy and takes time, but speak loudly and confidently can achieve the same effect. It is not shouting but put your attentive partners.

Pay attention to your voice

Think about the voices that trap you, remember their frequency and have the ability to speak. carefully listen to your voice will help you know what changes and inflections do.

Do not fear the silence

Many people try to evade the silence, but this can be a powerful weapon. Putting emphasis and pauses gives depth to your speech.

Stay in the familiar

If you know nothing about astronomy, physics or literature of the fifteenth century, do not try to comment because will look ignorant. Stay fluid in the subjects themselves know.

With these tips, you'll be sure who made the next presentation to customers, who speaks at the wedding of his best friend, or just impress that special person.

Yes, we warn that not enough talk like you're ready: you also have to act as such.

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talk smart tips conversation IQ read meeting speak knowledge words voice speech customers


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