• Some tips to organize your space Please rest

Some tips to organize your space Please rest

Here are some tips to keep your good energy spaces.

When a deep cleaning, we recommend moving furniture, at least for a while.

This contributes to break the circular magnetic fields and energy that stagnates ago. Even minimal movement of furniture such as a chair and run away from the wall for a day, that already produces a different energy flow for the person and for the space.

If you do not have the possibility of having specific products, get some incense and fumigate the house.

Although it may seem very basic, with a good physical cleanliness you can remove large amounts of bad energy.

Having an airy room and extremely orderly ensures optimal night repair.

Do not forget that when you sleep is the period of greatest delivery. Taking care of your room as a temple you guarantee that the harmonic and protective energies inhabit it and it is these energies that also attend to your good sleep.

Moreover, there is widespread use of vinegar in some instances home clean energy, but you can ignore it if you prefer.

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tips organize space energy furniture movement house cleanliness night repair sleep


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