SourceDNA notes that the unauthorized data gathering was surreptitious, so much so that most developers were probably in the dark about what was...

Why Carmakers Cannot Beat Tesla Or Apple
The legacy car manufacturers, in other words, still think of cars as, well, cars. They're in the Windows 95 era, when HP made the desktop, Microsoft...

The Forté, A Fancy Apple Watch
At $59 this dedicated magnetic watch stand that connects to Apple’s OEM cable is a bit pricey. However, if you’re looking for something showcase your...

Apple Watch And Facebook Messenger
When Messenger for Apple Watch was first announced, our own Josh Constine said:The more platform ubiquity Facebook Messenger can achieve, the...

Google Introduces Accelerated Mobile Pages To Keep Content On The Web
Both Facebook and Apple believe they've built a better home for news content on mobile devices—self-contained apps where load times are fast and ads...

California's Drought Of IoT
We need a digital age of enlightenment and openness to unleash the full potential of the IoT. This means standardizing cross-device and...

iMovie Updated for iOS and Mac
Most notably, iMovie for Mac and iOS are gaining 4K video-editing capabilities, which is especially cool (if not pretty expected) given the stellar...

A New Breed Of Connected Tech For Women
It’s not hyperbole to say Elvie is a new breed of connected device. It’s indicative of the lack of smart technology specifically — and intelligently...

The New Amazon Fire TV Is Does It All
The new Fire TV includes Alexa, Amazon’s powerful voice search system. Whereas the previous version of the Fire TV let you ask very basic things –...

Apple’s Beats Announces The $229 Pill+, Will Hit Shelves Next Month
It’s amazing to think that the original Pill hit the shelves over three years ago to take on Jambox. Since then, the company behind it, Beats, was...