Relying solely on focus groups and user experience experts alone is old school and wholly insufficient. It’s too slow, too expensive, comes with too...

Makerbot Lays Off 20% Of Employees
Jaglom said the company will contract out manufacturing of its 4th generation products “to save on costs and focus our teams at our factory in...

Apple’s Beats Announces The $229 Pill+, Will Hit Shelves Next Month
It’s amazing to think that the original Pill hit the shelves over three years ago to take on Jambox. Since then, the company behind it, Beats, was...

How To Choose A DBaaS For Database Management
Guest author Baron Schwartz, an expert in MySQL, is the founder of VividCortex and the author of “High Performance MySQL.” He has helped build and...

The vultures circle
THERE is no shortage of bad omens for the global economy at the moment. To name a few: plunging commodity prices, wobbly equity markets, weak world...

Educate Your Startup Team
Companies like eShares now providing a better solution for startup employees to see how much equity they have than getting a cut-and-paste email from...

Sony Cuts Price Of PlayStation 4
As a reminder, the Kinect-less Xbox One is already available for $349 in the U.S. and €349/£279 in Europe. In other words, Sony is fighting...

What Startups Can Learn From Uber's Employee
Guest author Lonnie Giamela is a partner in the Los Angeles office of national labor & employment law firm Fisher & Phillips, LLP. Uber’s on-demand...

Sereneti Kitchen Robot Cooks So You Don’t Have To
Last week at Disrupt SF 2015, I ran into the folks behind Sereneti Kitchen, a company that I’ve known since it launched at our Hardware Battlefield...

Warning light
VOLKSWAGEN doesn’t just make cars. Its enormous lending arm also helps customers to pay for them. With €164 billion ($184 billion) of assets, this is...