Being unpunctual can be perceived as a lack of values, self-control, discipline and respect for people, be punctual does not require much effort, it...

8 tips to buy air tickets to first class best price
You travel in Business, continental and intercontinental flights, will cost during the current half of 2016 an average of 216 percent more than done...

Introducing Windows 10
You might recall when Microsoft moved Hotmail users to It began as a voluntary shift, followed by increasingly sharp nudges. Microsoft...

iMovie Updated for iOS and Mac
Most notably, iMovie for Mac and iOS are gaining 4K video-editing capabilities, which is especially cool (if not pretty expected) given the stellar...

How Successful Is The Chromecast? Google Has Sold 20 Million
Before unveiling two new Chromecasts, Google gave an update on the existing Chromecast. It seems like everyone and their dogs have a Chromecast. And...

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus Apple suppliers are preparing to mass production
Apple is already moving all its machinery to begin production of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, their next smartphones should hit the market just...

Installing the latest version Nexus Android 6.0.1
Google pledged earlier this year to release monthly updates in order to correct as quickly as possible security problems detected in its mobile...

Android Developers Can Choose When To Publish Updates
In practice, that means once updates have been approved, app makers can choose when to publish them say, to coincide with a press release or ad...

OS X El Capitan Now Available To Download
Apple has just released OS X 10.11 El Capitan. The update is now rolling out to eligible Mac devices. It’s available in the Mac App Store as a free...