Developers, rightly, pour resources into creating great experiences in their apps. But when it comes to advertisements, there’s a fundamental problem...
Android Developers Can Choose When To Publish Updates
In practice, that means once updates have been approved, app makers can choose when to publish them say, to coincide with a press release or ad...
A Bad SDK Can Booted You From The App Store
SourceDNA notes that the unauthorized data gathering was surreptitious, so much so that most developers were probably in the dark about what was...
Perch Use Existing Devices To Create Smart Home
At the heart of Perch is a simple home monitoring solution. Once installed on a spare Android (4.1+) phone or tablet, it lets users tap into a live...
The Modular Smartwatch
The Blocks device is built around a core watchface unit with a cut-down version of Android Lollipop on board. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, motion sensors and a...
The Benefits Using Enterprise Apps
The brutal truth is that the majority of apps don’t add any real value. They’re a false success for people who like to build, and users are the ones...
Twitter Shoutout The Creative Energy Of Developers
Why apologize? Since last year, when it unveiled Fabric, Twitter is giving away an embarrassment of riches to developers, from its free Crashlytics...
Developers - The New Conductors
Developers are becoming more like conductors than ever. Now you can aspire to be both Woz and Jobs. And you should.There's a scene in the new Steve...
Native Debate Vs. Web Comes To Virtual Reality
The world of virtual reality is no different, having already been home to heated discussion on topics including Oculus versus Vive, gaming versus...
Microsoft Opens Applications For HoloLens Dev Kit
Microsoft executives have been in New York showing off a pile of new hardware devices, and among the new phones and laptops, developers finally got...