Orlandi Magali is 18 years and although she likes to cook, go for walks and dancing with friends, he said one of his favorite task is to weave. She...

Stories of struggle and love in new types of family
Rice pudding, I wish to ally with a adult ... that is trans. Or with a man. Or a woman who can not accept children. Or I do not wish to ally and wish...

List of Halloween costumes for the whole family
If you're struggling to come up with the perfect individual costume this year, try a group costume that can accommodate everyone in your favorite...

Five Useful Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping
Grocery shopping….it can be the bane of our existence at times. We want to make healthy food choices and buy what is best for us and our family, but...

All of us need change in our lives. Even our countries and nations need changes on the way we do things and live to make progress and achieve...

Advises for Christmas meals when family relationships are not good
Psychologists believe are favorable dates "to teach children the importance of family relationships". The specialist in clinical psychology, Eladio...

Alpha 2 - The robot designed to reside with families
You are looking for a great assistant for daily life? Alpha 2 is for you. The world's first robot created to live with familiesWe're almost there, a...

Barnes & Noble Releases A New Nook-Branded Samsung Tablet
Alas, poor Nook! I knew him, Reader: a tablet of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: it hath borne me into the library a thousand times; and now,...

Google Introduces Google Play Music Family Plan, $14.99 For Up To 6 People
Google is expanding its Google Play Music service with a new family plan. The company announced at its big event that families will be able to...

Are Fighting Games Good for the Entire Family?
Action or fighting games are a hobby to numerous people, often addictive, but also a source of frequent worry to many. As these tend to get brutal,...