One of the main concerns of men in the field of sex, is to satisfy your partner to achieve female pleasure, either by good performance or as their...

Why is it so hard to put the mind blank?
Like you sit back, relax and simply do not think about anything? It may be a good reason why your mind wanders, even when you try to disconnect: your...

Barnes & Noble Releases A New Nook-Branded Samsung Tablet
Alas, poor Nook! I knew him, Reader: a tablet of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: it hath borne me into the library a thousand times; and now,...

5 tips for having more sexually confident
Sex can enjoy more when when you trust yourself, believe it or not. So, we give you 5 tips to have more confidence in sexual: 1. Do not be left...

A Mini Climate System For Your Desk - Evapolar
The Evapolar is basically a little fan that runs air over a specialized material. The system is surprisingly simple. An accordion of nonmaterial made...