One of the main concerns of men in the field of sex, is to satisfy your partner to achieve female pleasure, either by good performance or as their...

4 Tips To Avoid Life Disempowerment
Feeling stuck can be the most frustrating feeling you will ever have in your life. A feeling of helplessness, and dis-empowerment.Do you really feel...

Stop Focusing on Success and Focus on Making an Impact
Every day and every week we can seize another golden change to become better and to make someone else’s life better. But too often, we see our days...

7 tips to prevent your child is distracted
If you have children who are easily distracted and experience many problems concentrating, chances are that this is affecting their learning...

5 Mindset Shifts That Helped Me Lose 40 Pounds
Although many people focus on diet and exercise programs to achieve weight loss, I believe that the most important and often overlooked factor is a...