You are looking for a great assistant for daily life? Alpha 2 is for you. The world's first robot created to live with familiesWe're almost there, a...

Mind Control - Neuromarketing
Neuromarketing may sound like the latest in science fiction mind control, but research has increasingly shown that the human brain responds to...

Humans And Machines
As Amazon applies machine learning, Alexa will learn and develop her personality to fit in my home differently from yours. Ask her, “How are you so...

The RoboBee Can Now Swim
I am writing this so future humans will know our downfall. The first RoboBees were harmless. These tiny robotic bugs used to flit around with...

Robots Technology Culture
If you are skittish or squeamish about human sexuality I beseech you to click out right now or visit another, more palatable site. As it stands, I...

New Technology To Be More Sensitive To Our Psychology?
Investors in the startup include some familiar names, with Passion Capital’s Eileen Burbidge leading the round. Others putting in funding include...

Car Accident Reports Make Unhappy The Humans
Earlier this year Google blogged about the eleven “minor accidents” its driverless cars had been involved in over six years of testing — laying the...