People have to be passionate about their work, and they should surround themselves with others who feel the same. To form a big business, companies...

Sitting or standing at a desk will improve your health?
Currently, many offices have desks that allow sitting and standing. But new research finds little evidence of health benefits associated with its...

MakerBot Challenges by CEO Jonathan Jaglom
We visited the Industry City facility back in September and spoke to CEO Jonathan Jaglom (previously an executive at Stratasys, which acquired...

Steve Jobs’ Advice To Mark Zuckerberg May Have Saved Facebook
This post appears courtesy of the Ferenstein Wire, a syndicated news service. Publishing partners may edit posts. For inquiries, please email author...

Secret pacts with intelligence
If you precious to be a smart individual must associate with people who are smarter than you. Whether you are a professional or run a business must...

Watch the progress of the new building of Apple (video)
A new video shows the progress of the call 'spacecraft' Apple is expected to be completed before the end of 2016.A new video posted on the YouTube...

Developers - The New Conductors
Developers are becoming more like conductors than ever. Now you can aspire to be both Woz and Jobs. And you should.There's a scene in the new Steve...