With these simple steps you will be a "Don Juan" at least on the Internet. February 14 is just around the corner, and you're still without a partner?...

Tips geeks to succeed the Day of Love and Friendship
Undoubtedly the technology can be our best ally in this Feb. 14, mainly because of its versatility and range. Here are some recommendations for the...

Stories of struggle and love in new types of family
Rice pudding, I wish to ally with a adult ... that is trans. Or with a man. Or a woman who can not accept children. Or I do not wish to ally and wish...

Reasons Why Men Are Not Romantic Nowadays
Believe it or not, it’s actually not dead. Men don’t act more romantic because they’re afraid.As a women’s dating coach, I constantly get emails from...

5 tips to enjoy sex on Valentines Day
Want a perfect Valentine's Day with your lover? Of course you want ... All you need is a little love and recommended by experts in romance tips...

Love - Discover if appointments are a thing of the past
"I do not pay for the two appointments. When salts with different women 2 to 3 times each week, being a gentleman can be a real budget, "Doug, an...

Issue: What is the kind of relationship do we have?
Who would not wish to reside a adulation of film? What affectionate that beat any obstacle and end up active appropriately anytime afterwards after...