I’ve spoken to sources over the past few years about it, and some played the “one could imagine” game when discussing a “merger” of the two projects....
A Bollywood Movie Is Helps To Found A lost Indian girl
After being stuck without any leads for years, her case came under the spotlight a few months ago, after the release of the Bollywood movie Bajrangi...
Why We Never Give Us The Advice We Are Give To Our Friends
I always found myself being negative to myself and recently chatting with my friends I realized we all make the same mistake. We never treat...
List of Halloween costumes for the whole family
If you're struggling to come up with the perfect individual costume this year, try a group costume that can accommodate everyone in your favorite...
iMovie Updated for iOS and Mac
Most notably, iMovie for Mac and iOS are gaining 4K video-editing capabilities, which is especially cool (if not pretty expected) given the stellar...
Experiment About The 3D Printing Ecosystem
What I’ve learned is that many of these technologies are composed of very well-understood materials, software problems and mechanical systems —...
Amazon Cloud Business Worthing Billions
In fact, two years later and an amazing quarter later, it's equally clear that Amazon is increasingly "a computing company with books," as Quentin...
A Bad SDK Can Booted You From The App Store
SourceDNA notes that the unauthorized data gathering was surreptitious, so much so that most developers were probably in the dark about what was...
Microsoft’s Surface Book Is Back!
The Surface Book starts at $1,499, and has configurations that stretch into the $2,500 range. The device is a laptop that can behave like a tablet...
Microsoft New Surface Book Laptop-Hybrid
The Surface Book was a surprise release from Microsoft last week. If the Surface Pro line of devices is notable for its tablet-focus, and laptop...