The balance of the market, when both take several years to sell, turns towards PlayStation 4 that except in very specific months since its launch,...

Discover the importance of parent - child game
Through play, children show how are shaping their world, how they build their way of seeing reality, social relationships and fantasies. Therefore it...

Playing Games And Relationships
This upswing in popularity shows no signs of slowing down. Because of this, many people have expressed concerns over the potential for playing video...

Android Developers Can Choose When To Publish Updates
In practice, that means once updates have been approved, app makers can choose when to publish them say, to coincide with a press release or ad...

YouTube Red Bundles Media Subscription
It's a major milestone in YouTube's growth as a platform, coming in its 10th year and underlining the key areas where it has come to be influential....

7 tips to prevent your child is distracted
If you have children who are easily distracted and experience many problems concentrating, chances are that this is affecting their learning...

Review of Call of Duty - Black Ops 3
The famous game of first-person shooter Call of Duty has reached its third edition with the Black Ops 3, and with this new edition of the ultimate...

Introduce Priv BlackBerry Android Phone
Privilege perhaps because the Priv is being pitched very much as a flagship Android device with a price tag that pits it against the iPhones and...

Google Play Games New Share Feature
Twitch? Who needs it. Today, Google Play Games announced a new feature which will let you record and share your gameplay moments with others. No,...

Nintendo Entertainment System Celebrate 30
The NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) turns 30 today, as it was officially launched in North American on October 18th, 1985 to a limited portion of...