You are looking for a great assistant for daily life? Alpha 2 is for you. The world's first robot created to live with familiesWe're almost there, a...

Google Self-Driving Car - October Monthly Report
Google shared today their self-driving car project monthly report. Good news, there were no accidents but some interesting information that the team...

Teforia - The Tea Brewing Home Robot
Teforia is a personal tea making machine for those who really value their loose leaf brewing experience. It works with any mixture of tea leaves to...

Sphere Shaped Quadrupedal Robot Overlords
When it tips over the legs can right it back up and it can also roll itself around its environment using weights. In short it’s like a primitive...

The RoboBee Can Now Swim
I am writing this so future humans will know our downfall. The first RoboBees were harmless. These tiny robotic bugs used to flit around with...

Robots Technology Culture
If you are skittish or squeamish about human sexuality I beseech you to click out right now or visit another, more palatable site. As it stands, I...

Underwater A Super Fast Drone Robot
Trident can go “as fast as Michael Phelps,” according to co-founders David Lang and Eric Stackpole. For reference, Phelps clocks in at 4.4 mph if you...

Magic Leap Reality Tech
The first few seconds of the demo feature a three-dimensional robot waving to the viewer. The second part superimposes a glowing, rotating solar...

When Robots Come To Pray
Sean LorenzCrunch Network ContributorSean Lorenz is the founder of Senter, a startup that seeks to improve chronic care with Internet of Things and...

Sereneti Kitchen Robot Cooks So You Don’t Have To
Last week at Disrupt SF 2015, I ran into the folks behind Sereneti Kitchen, a company that I’ve known since it launched at our Hardware Battlefield...