The dresses are indispensable during the spring and so the care of our legs becomes essential because this season they have the main role of our...

Myths and curiosities fashion
Many of the clothes from her closet were not born for the role they currently have. Please refer to the history books and myths to know its origin....

What your shoes say about you?
A professor of psychology at the University of Kansas is leading an investigation that determined that the style of shoe you wear reveals 90% of your...

Misen Wants To Crowdfund A Knife For Your Life
Is there anything you can’t crowd fund? First it was smartwatches and books and now it’s shoes, pants, and now knives. In fact today’s crowdfunding...

Killing animals for their fur is no longer fashionable
Armani has been signed with the Swiss organization Responsible Ecosystems Sourcing Platform an agreement by which you buy from Mexico crocodile skins...

Tips to find the ideal sandal according to your type of leg
Consider the size and shape of your legs and feet is essential when buying shoes that fit you well.Summer is the perfect opportunity to show off your...

3D printed biodegradable Heels (video)
Iran Behdad Ghodsi designer has developed an application called Atossa app through which customers can send images of your feet to print 3D heels fit...