Success would think that is a gift that shows people who manage to succeed in life, and consequently many of us aspire to be successful in various...

Methods For Achieving Your Goals
You started out with so much excitement, your goals and the thought of accomplishing them put a spring on your steps every single time.Somewhere...

Common Reasons Why We Do Not Finding Happiness
What about the things that we could lose or let go of to find our happiness? Often times, it’s what we already have in our life that obstructs us...

How to Achieve Success When You Are 20
“Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein You may not have thought about it, but every person...

Google Is Preparing To Take Over Your Living Room
At Apple’s last event we heard about its plans for Apple TV. It’s something we’ve all been waiting for…APPS! On the TV! It’s set to ship in October...

Quide To Avoid Startup Mistakes
This article delves into three intriguing case studies of the unfortunate few who are now standing on the sidelines, watching as their genius ideas...

Tips To Keep You Successful
Time and familiarity are two major factors that make these tasks easier. We have all had that experience in life where we took on some new thing...

An Engineer Insights
Many startups have tapped into the power of the public to fuel their launch or growth. Crowdfunding can be very rewarding, but also fraught with...

Stop Focusing on Success and Focus on Making an Impact
Every day and every week we can seize another golden change to become better and to make someone else’s life better. But too often, we see our days...

All of us need change in our lives. Even our countries and nations need changes on the way we do things and live to make progress and achieve...