If you value options such as: book well in advance, choose accessible accommodations and eat in typical places, among other proposals, will realize...

How to find cheap flights with Google Flights?
Google Flights is a booking tool. You're probably already familiar with its features, but here are several additional tips. Google Flights is a...

For What Reason A Thai Flight Canceled?
You will not believe the reason why a Thai flight will canceled on Sunday... The damage was huge for the company...A Thai flight was cancelled after...

5 Steps To Reinvent Your Life By Traveling
One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry MillerWhenever I want to make a change in my life, I choose to travel....

8 tips to buy air tickets to first class best price
You travel in Business, continental and intercontinental flights, will cost during the current half of 2016 an average of 216 percent more than done...

The top 10 safest airlines in the world 2016
If you get on a plane terrified but do not want to miss visiting the most spectacular corners of the world, certainly, you have to choose one of the...

Few Tips To Convince Your Parents To Let You Travel
You encounter new and diverse experiences that are not always comfortable and it forces you to take responsibility for yourself and grow into your...

Kuwait Airways guilty of discrimination for not flying Israelis
THE volatile politics of the Middle East have disrupted travel to that region for countless travelers. But for one man they also prevented travel...