As demand intensifies for consumer lifestyle and healthcare innovations, expect a wave of new products to flood the market. Will yours be one of...
The Smart Home Adolescence
For those of you not old enough to recall the mid-’90s, here’s a little history lesson. Grunge music was hot and the consumer Web was just getting...
Partly Cloudy Business
As the operator of the world’s biggest e-commerce site, Amazon has lots of experience running huge computer systems. In 2006 it launched its cloud as...
IoT Overload Prevented by Amazon's Kinesis Firehose
Amazon Web Services SVP Andy Jassy said that, while Kinesis was useful for helping companies store streaming data and build custom applications on...
Fitness Wearables Are Not Reaching The Right Users But They Could
Guest author Kerri McMaster is the co-founder and chief strategy officer for Performance Lab.The promise of fitness wearables is their capacity to...
How Sensor Data Change From Device To Cloud
If you are monitoring soil conditions on a giant farm in the Midwest, you don’t need constant video surveillance, but you may need a long-range radio...
The Modular Smartwatch
The Blocks device is built around a core watchface unit with a cut-down version of Android Lollipop on board. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, motion sensors and a...
Google Introduces Accelerated Mobile Pages To Keep Content On The Web
Both Facebook and Apple believe they've built a better home for news content on mobile devices—self-contained apps where load times are fast and ads...
Weighing anchor
TPP will apply to 40% of the world’s economy. For American exporters alone, 18,000 individual tariffs will be reduced to zero. Much the same will be...
5 Mindset Shifts That Helped Me Lose 40 Pounds
Although many people focus on diet and exercise programs to achieve weight loss, I believe that the most important and often overlooked factor is a...