With a power consumption of nearly 2 trillion dollars, millennials are one of the most important demographic in terms of digital marketing. This...

10 secrets to build your wardrobe
What is the dream of every woman? Having a dressing that is practical, and the garments are sorted. Natalia Bula, of Mannequins, tells us the keys to...

Xiaomi Wearable Device Tracking Your Sleep And More
Report from Canalys earlier this year speculated that the Mi Band, the company’s debut wearable, made Xiaomi the world’s second largest seller of...

Ways To Make A Wearable Stand Out
As demand intensifies for consumer lifestyle and healthcare innovations, expect a wave of new products to flood the market. Will yours be one of...

Fitness Wearables Are Not Reaching The Right Users But They Could
Guest author Kerri McMaster is the co-founder and chief strategy officer for Performance Lab.The promise of fitness wearables is their capacity to...

Tips to revolutionize the way we dress
The dress inevitably reflects the personality; It is through the wardrobe that humans express and show that personalized and unique touch that...

5 tips to enjoy sex on Valentines Day
Want a perfect Valentine's Day with your lover? Of course you want ... All you need is a little love and recommended by experts in romance tips...

Wearables Revolutionize A Workplace
This year alone, we’ve seen the introduction of everything from smart rings, watches and connected headbands. As exciting as they may seem for...

The Modular Smartwatch
The Blocks device is built around a core watchface unit with a cut-down version of Android Lollipop on board. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, motion sensors and a...

Hardware Is A Long Game Let Me Give You The Playbook
Building products is hard. Building hardware products and taking them to market is nearly impossible. In the past three years of growing Wearable...