Tattoo that turns art into cardiac monitor

Can you imagine doing the tattoo and you want it to be able to monitor the physical condition in which your body is at all times? A small American company called Chaotic Moon Tech has designed the tattoo Tat, a temporary drawing that uses sensors attached to the skin, could monitor the heart rate, temperature and pulse of a person.

How Tech Tat work?

Tattoo Tat Tech consists of a collection of bio sensors which are placed on your skin, adapted to anywhere in the body (like a conventional tattoo it were). The tread design would choose the client, but all lead a kind of very thin plate, similar to a file, and nothing invasive. This is not to introduce any wires in the epidermis, the company reported.

The tattoo also carries a micro controller, ATiny85, which receives data from the temperature sensors through the elector-conductive paint that leads. In addition, this tattoo has the possibility of incorporating LED lights to illuminate in the dark, making it more attractive, if possible.

The Tech Tat body can transfer data collected and sent to the mobile through an app, which is still under development. Its creators say it is an invention that can be useful for monitoring the status of a child after surgery or simply to know how your body responds at all times.

Price and Availability

Chaotic Moon has not yet confirmed release date nor price (although they plan that is affordable). They are mulling a possible release in 2016. You can find more details on its website. Can you give this tattoo?

Related Tags

tattoo tech cardiac monitor sensors skin micro controller LED temperature


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